Episode 107
Radically Healed 2: Heidi Returns
On April 15 of this year, 2024, we released an episode that is one of the most powerful stories of healing and transformation by God that you will ever hear. It was a conversation with a woman named Heidi. Heidi was born into generational Satanism, was sexually trafficked starting at the age of 3, was sexually abused during satanic rituals, and went on to live a life of abuse, disease, illness, oppression, and addiction until, at the threshold of death, she was radically healed and delivered from spiritual bondage in a moment on a hospital floor as she wailed out to God. If you have not watched episode 96, Radically Healed, released on April 15, 2024, you will want to watch that one to get the full value of today’s episode. It is linked just below this description. But if you have watched that episode, you are in for a treat today. Heidi reached out to us recently and asked what we thought about having a follow up conversation. We were happy to do it. Today, Heidi returns to answer some of your questions, to offer more details about her radical healing and transformation, to share insights about the work she’s doing for victims of abuse, and to share how God continues to move in her life.