Episode 95
Kirk and Christy East
Expect the Miraculous
This episode is a continuation of our conversation with Kirk and Christy East. In the first part of this conversation (Episode 94, Death, Where Is Your Sting?) Kirk and Christy detailed how the events surrounding the loss of their son, Frank, re-shaped their understanding of God and His presence in their lives. Though Frank was terribly ill, they exhibited extraordinary faith in Frank’s healing, and even in his resurrection after he had passed, because they believed that God intended it. What they got was the gift of a deep assurance of Frank’s presence in Heaven through multiple unrelated sources. If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode yet, I encourage you to do so. A lot of details discussed this week reference that part of the conversation.
Today, Kirk and Christy East talk about the ways God has brought them into a new life and is now working through them to bring the gifts of His kingdom to earth through powerful prayer in faith. The prayers of people of faith change things, and bring God’s kingdom and His intentions to earth. Kirk and Christ East are about to share how it has happened with them.